Children are not little adults and pediatric eye diseases and management differs vastly from adults. In the critical age group of 0-6 years old any eye problem can cause effects on the development of a child’s vision. The most effective way to prevent eye diseases in children is to conduct early examination, early detection and early treatment. Our team is skilled and equipped to detect and eye problems in all age groups including babies and toddlers.
In children certain types of squint when caught early may be treated conventionally, if left untreated for long- they may lead to a lazy eye or loss of brain connection to one eye. Our experts guide you on whether your child has a squint or not, how to safeguard their vision and restore the balance between both eyes. Adults more commonly need squint surgery and we offer state of the art minimally invasive squint surgery with no red eyes and the patient can resume work the day after the surgery
Neuro-Ophthalmology is a super specialty that merges the fields of neurology and ophthalmology. Neuro-Ophthalmologists are responsible for the diagnosis and management of complex systemic diseases of the nervous system that affect vision, eye movements and alignment, as well as pupillary reflexes.
SVIMS offers you a dedicated Neuro-Ophthalmology Service for the diagnosis and treatment of these Neuro-Ophthalmic disorders.
Today Shanti Ved Hospitals offer relief to thousands of patients from across the world each year, and we will continue to remain committed to providing the best surgical techniques, coupled with the latest technology in the years to come.
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